Monday, February 17, 2014

"Pop Up" Hucksters

It is not only on the computer screen that pop-up ads flash into view. They appear in serious publications which claim trustworthy integrity. This is why, with regard to our journey in life, the transition from "he" to "you" in Psalm 23 is especially significant. The biblical mandate is not limited to knowing about Jesus. It directs us to fix our eyes on Him. It is a vital connection with Him which insulates against spam.  

That connection begins in the New Testament, the authenticity of which is unparalleled for any ancient text. Those documents record the biography of Jesus with special emphasis on his deity, humanity, sacrificial death and bodily resurrection. They were written by eyewitnesses who accepted execution rather than change their story; and the impact of their message, without sword or political base, was phenomenal.

The person who comes to this Jesus discovers the God who raises the dead and offers explainable forgiveness, life and hope. In coming to Him, the believer also realizes Jesus and those who knew him have things to say about our world which are consistent with a God who can bring the dead to life.

Those who followed Jesus affirmed that creation tells us much about this God who raises the dead, and that the Old Testament account of creation, in a way without parallel in the observable universe, is correct. Interestingly, they also tell us that the creation event and the cataclysm of a world-wide flood will be special targets of a deliberate agenda of philosophical tonic marketing.

When one looks to Jesus he can enjoy the rich discoveries of empirical science which demonstrate the wisdom and power of God. However, he will treat the pop-up talking points of philosophical science with the same caution he applies to those who want to sell a bridge in Brooklyn. 

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