Friday, May 23, 2014

I Believe You Will Not Mislead Me

I believe you will not hurt me unnecessarily, and you will not own me.

Such is the character of friendship among those who trust Christ. For the person who is trusted, the self-control and self-denial implications are clear. This faith of friendship also says:

I believe you will not mislead me.

Well, of course not. We’re Christians. We’re about Truth. We would not mislead. Yet, many a conscience has been derailed by promoting some convictions (worthwhile or otherwise) as biblically revealed mandates.

Revealed mandates are express statements from Scripture which can be clearly understood with basic principles of language and context. They have to be manhandled in order to mean what they do not say.

There are, however, revealed statements which are understood differently because of presuppositions which affect interpretation. These differences are important enough for groups to form around them. The interpretation starting point of some of us leads us to understand that baptism is for believers and by immersion. Others agree with us on the Truth of the person and work of Jesus Christ but part of their interpretation starting point lets them practice baptism differently. Conscience cannot ignore the matter. Jesus’ commission to baptize is inescapable. So, as we gather with people with whom we agree, we must remember the biblical mandate concerning our attitudes toward all brothers in the faith. 

Then there are personal applications inferred from revealed mandates. We clearly are told to develop renewed minds. Some may infer from that the need to eliminate television, but they mislead if they press for a church policy or make removal of the television a prerequisite for friendship. On the other hand it is also misleading to infer that having a television is what freedom in grace is about

It is possible to cause a person's conscience to stumble by well-meaning misrepresentations of Scripture as well as by maliciously contradicting Scripture.

Next: May 26, 2014 - I Believe You Will Not Violate Me


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