Friday, September 26, 2014

Boots On The Ground

Those who trust Christ are often misunderstood as having their heads in the sky. That would be a metaphysical sky no doubt since astronomers, who could be accused of the same thing, seem to be exempt. Actually, though, if one is going to follow Christ, the matter of heaven is very much boots-on-the-ground.

It begins with the matter of destiny. Christians are not looking forward to floating on a cloud. Our anticipation is to be present with our King (Jesus)between death and destiny, quite possibly engaged in the preparations for the future landing. That landing, led and directed by the King Himself, will come at a time when the god-option which Satan offered mankind in Eden has reached its optimum exposure in creating a secondary hell-on-earth. In the wake of the landing will be a clean-up operation followed by a restoration of ecology and society as originally intended. In short, the Christian has a “grounded” hope.

This hope should direct the Christian’s relationship to the world in which we presently live.

Second – representing the coming King through a proper care for that world, especially reaching out to those who are being crushed by its failure.

Third – making known the King’s offer of clemency and so much more to those who, like us, have confessed our god-playing (sin); offering the safe haven of something remarkable he himself accomplished on an earlier, incognito mission.

Notice: Christians have not been called to kill infidels or menace the world with beheadings. Those who have done so in Jesus’ Name face serious consequences in the mopping up operations. Rather, we offer sin-sick god-players of all stripes the grace of God while enduring their scorn and, occasionally, receiving their gratitude.


  1. Someone has said that being angelic means "Always up in the air harping about something." Well... I don't know about angels, but being Christian is not about clouds and harps.

  2. "The matter of heaven is very much boots-on-the-ground." I loved this turn of phrase! Really made me stop and ponder for a while. Thanks for the great article. Helped me start my morning off right.
