Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What About the Materially Poor?

Lighthouse Ministries, Lakeland, FL
Some would read the previous devotional and disagree. They would argue that to identify poverty in terms of a poverty of spirit side-steps the issue of those who are trapped in real, circumstantial poverty.
The complaint is valid. Jesus’ half-brother scolded believers for catering to the better off folks in their group. Jesus’ disciples had a fund for relieving people who were materially poor. The Old Testament prophets hammered out warnings to kings and judges (shepherds) who misused the poor. The Law itself insisted on provision for the poor, whether Jew or alien. It is most likely, therefore, the King’s footprint statement about preaching the gospel to the poor included and may even have focused on this group of people.
In a fallen and rebellious world there will always be poverty, and it is not always because people are "lazy.” Weather, pests, and plagues take their toll. Greed, politics, power, and injustice (I know that sounds redundant) ride on the backs of people who have no means of appeal.
When the Holy Spirit began Christ’s Church he brought in many poor; but he also brought in those gifted with wealth and positions of power. The design was for a mutual and willing sharing. In so doing, the gospel of forgiveness and Kingdom destiny, also contained the atmosphere of a Kingdom koinonia (fellowship) while living in enemy territory. But even in that feature, the matter of forgiveness and destiny has reigned supreme; for there have been times when rich and poor alike have been impoverished by persecution. Alas, sometimes it happened, and it will happen again, under the delusion that by such harassment God is being done a favor.  
This brings us to the overarching theme of Jesus’ footprint. It led to him! And the encounter overwhelmed those who followed him with hope wrapped in jaw dropping mystery. 

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