Tuesday, April 20, 2021



So, here I sit at my desk with time to write, and my mind is a blank. I know…I know… writing experts tell me that in order to confront “writer’s block” I should just start pounding on my keyboard about whatever comes to mind. That’s silly when nothing is coming to mind in the first place. You’ve got to have water in the well, otherwise you’re pulling up a dry pail. I suppose I could write about the woman at the well. But what would I say? Maybe I could watch that episode of The Chosen. But that would take too much time, and I would probably come back to my desk and sit here wondering how to begin.

“Begin.” There it is again. If you want to write – write about something. If you don’t have anything to do. Just do something. Nonsense.

I used to look forward to writing. But that was before I realized that it is work and requires a talent that I guess I don’t have. Talent…that’s it. Talent. People with talent telling people like me, with no talent, how to do something by simply doing something when I cannot think of something to do.

I wonder how someone really discovers his or her talents. Some think that temperament plays a role. Others talk about how each person has his or her own way of learning. I’ve read a few books. I’ve thought thoughts about writing. I seem to learn best if someone will talk with me about it. But when I try, the conversation ends. So, here I sit with nothing to write about, and wasting my time talking to myself and my computer.

Of course, there is a lot of advice telling me to listen to significant friends. Indeed, several have urged me to write. Most of them don’t write. I did have a high school teacher who seemed to think I could. He actually helped give me an enjoyment of putting words on paper. We almost got off to a rocky start when I forgot to bring my copy of the assigned book to class one day. Thankfully, I had been arrested by a statement on page thirty-nine (I still remember it.) So, at the end of his class lecture, Mr. Ziemski asked me if I had any questions. The fact that I had a question (I discovered later) spared me from becoming the target of a reprimand designed to make the whole class promise themselves never to forget their book. He was a very interesting man and helped me a lot with written expression. I wonder what advise he would give me. Or, maybe I don’t. He liked Robert Frost, and would probably have told me Frost’s secret to writing, namely to put the seat of your pants in the seat of a chair and write. But here I am sitting in my swivel chair with nothing to write about.

I’m not sure it’s encouraging to remember that my mother, when she would slip into a schizophrenic episode, would write page after page of rambling incoherence: maybe like I’m doing here. Perhaps I should see a psychiatrist. But, no, there was a difference. Mom’s writing was a jumbled effort to connect invisible dots of worldwide significance in her confused mind. I’m just sitting here expressing my annoyance at not being able to think of anything to write about.

Ha, that’s funny. I just took time to check out a Thesaurus and replace “incoherent” with “jumbled” and “frustration” with “annoyance.” Thanks, again, to Mr. Ziemski, I developed a good friendship with synonyms and antonyms. I still have my very first hard-cover thesaurus which I bought back in 1961, when I was in eleventh grade. Next to it is another one of more recent vintage. Today, I used the one supplied in my Word program, but I still crack those other volumes for better options. Notwithstanding, I have to have something to write about before I use them; and here I sit, brain-dead, staring at a screen full of words.  

“Notwithstanding.” The word takes more letters than “However,” but I like the sound of it. So, I used it just now. I love words. This, I guess, is not to be confused with an ability to write. Some call me a word-smith. I like that, but I think it’s a bit over-the-top. With me, I guess words are just fascinating. But they’re of little worth when I can’t think of anything about which to write.

 Maybe another cup of coffee will help.

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