Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Being Led Is for Wimps

In our thoughts about being led, this would be a good time to raise the objection that being led is something for wimps who don't have the courage to march to their own drum.

On the contrary, everyone is a follower, and his direction is determined by who or what leads him. A person is wise to find out the guiding principles of a would-be leader, and who in his life embodies those principles.

The protest against being led is an illusion of independence. It is exposed by Peter in terms of promised liberty offered by those who, themselves, are slaves of corruption.  Whether following a disoriented person or our own map-less intuition, an ability to find happy trails is of limited worth in the long run. The person is no wimp who recognizes danger and seeks someone with leadership integrity.

What is leadership integrity? It is dependability based on a leader’s demonstrated submission to a credible reference point.  The Christian, as one being led, is not a herald of leaderless liberty or devotion to a charismatic guide. He follows Jesus Christ who, as “the Way,” is the one true leader with the integrity to get us safely through this life and into the next.

When Abraham’s servant discovered the woman who would be the bride for his master’s son, he did not cease to be led in the way of obedience to his master’s desire. Thus he remained independent from the pressures of her family to delay. Even so, the Christian, as a follower of Jesus Christ, is free to be independent of the pressures of those around him to chart his own course, or, worse, to follow their course.

A true leader is a man of integrity, and a man of integrity is a follower of Truth.

Previous: The Look of a Follower

Next: So, Will It Be a Ford or a Chevy?


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