Friday, May 22, 2015

Have At It

I invite you to enter this awesome mystery of Jesus Christ – God manifest in the flesh. Pause every time you read Scripture in general and the Gospels in particular. Remind yourself of First Timothy 3:16. Let it invite you to enter and explore.
However, as I mentioned regarding the Grand Canyon, the invitation also warns you to step back and be careful. Beware of those who claim "real meanings" of Scripture which, say they, are known only to a select few. Beware of those who tell you the important meanings are “hidden” messages discovered by counting letters or adding numbers or by using other gimmicks. The awesome mystery of the Scripture is not wrapped in secret, mystic formulas or private interpretations outside of the ordinary meanings of words.
Especially beware of those in clerical garb or doctoral hoods who pretend Scripture did a poor job expressing “truths” which are now re-interpreted by more enlightened philosophers.
There is nothing difficult to understand in these words.
The Old Testament narrates the events which led to those words. The rest of the New Testament unfolds their impact on the lives of those who receive them. And that is the point: there is a difference between understanding and receiving. The message of God sending his Son to die in the place of believing sinners is stupid and offensive to most because they do understand it, they do not want it, and they will go to any length to destroy, dilute, or derail it.
Do you understand the footprint of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Gospel accounts? If so, have you acted on the invitation to believe on him as Lord of your life and Savior of your soul? And, if you have, are you growing in grace and the knowledge of him?

Step up to the rim of the canyon of the mystery of Jesus Christ. Acknowledge him as Lord and Savior, and let God's Word take you to the awesome depths of his grace and coming Kingdom. Have at it!    

PREVIOUS:  And There’s More

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