Friday, December 5, 2014

It's Not About a Second Chance

The second assumption which tempts people to alter the Bible’s truth about Hell is that lost souls will be repentant after they die.
Of course this one builds on the first assumption, that, deep down, everyone WANTS to go to Heaven. The difficulty, we want to believe, is they lack information. Therefore, logically, when they discover what Heaven is really like, they will have a radical change of heart. That being the case, the just and loving God will surely give them a second chance. 
The problem is the notion that a person's "good side" will win out at the “Pearly Gates.” Naively, they accept the fantasy of crediting themselves with goodness and blaming God and others for their "bad side." Actually, what "good" they practice is a corrupted remnant of their origin as created beings made in the image of God; and their dedication to evil and darkness is limited both by the ongoing interference of the Holy Spirit and in order to accommodate their agenda as  god-players in a community of god-players.
Remove the Holy Spirit from the equation and people move farther and farther from the light of goodness because it tends to hinder them more than serve them. More pointedly, we, by nature, love darkness and there is nothing to indicate that will change when confronted with holy goodness in all its brilliance. Thus, the unregenerate man in death is confronted with two hells. Talk of a second chance is moot if there is no change of heart about the "right" to embrace evil.

Since nothing will be allowed in the kingdom which is given to evil, and since the unregenerate heart loves its evil too much to part with it, the heart cry of the unsaved in the end will be, "Let the rocks fall on us and hide us from the King." Yes, they will bend the knee, but it will be as conquered foes awaiting the carrying out of the sentence against them. Their fist will still be clenched. 

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