Monday, December 1, 2014

We Can Understand Our Need For Mercy If We Think About It

Inconsiderate Drivers and Pedestrians
The Scripture calls for repentant hearts to desire mercy from a holy God against whom we have rebelled. It has nothing to do with our self-proclaimed rights but everything to do with his authentic rights. When God created man in his image his intention was that we should highlight his character well and applaud his glory. It was and is his right as our creator to expect that.

We can understand this mind-set. We nurture the same desire in our own hearts. We expect what we bought to work as it should. We expect something loaned to be treated with respect and returned in good condition. We expect people to be considerate simply because we exist.

We can understand something else as well. When the purchased thing does not work, when the thing loaned is ruined and not made right, when the motorist drenches us as we stand on the curb, we experience a knee jerk reaction of anger which easily morphs to wrath. This is a part of our fallen desire to play God. He alone has the capacity to be justly angry and the authority to make that anger known in wrath. And he does. 

God does not express this anger and wrath on the basis of our finiteness (“I’m only human”). His anger is not about “mistakes” of immaturity. It is about treason - uncooperative, destructive, inconsiderate treason against the one to whom we owe our very existence.

God is not desperately seeking people to love him. He has deliberately called and is determinedly seeking among the milling crowd of traitors those who will cry out for mercy and restoration to his Kingdom. As for those who will not seek it... 

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